Sunday, 29 April 2012
Blog Archive
- th BustiEr -Wild summer Issue-
- ..on th Beach icons- kate m
- Pleats & flare Pants- ss2012 Chloe
- Pleats& WideLeg Pants- for SS2012- CEliNE
- .. piCture Of You
- Charlote Gainsbourg-thUnique Elements of Fashion- ...
- giSele for Summer2012-adCampaign
- moree coaChella summerLooks-2012
- th sHort Bootie addiction- summer2012
- saLute the Sunrise- summerLook 2012- from
- For : coacHella 2012 -cONTinues-
- for CoacHella 2012 Festival - thBest selected-
- Alice Dellal & ''Boy ChaNel' -by KARL Lagerfeld 2012
- th Maxi point deView!-for spring2012
- Vogue Paris for April2012
- th Spring- viNtage: awakening
- the nude&leather ballet IssUe-
- ur EverydAYCasual ideas- from LOOKbooK 2012
- ..her FavouRte boots - kate J'Adr-
- kate for SummerSunshinee - flat&casual -
- style for Caroline de Maigret- J'aDr-
- DeniM -''never Fade statemnt LOok'' - partII-